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What I Read In 2009

Not counting manga, because I never manage to keep track of what and when I read that, this is a listing of most everything that I read last year.

Pretty sure there was actually more than this, but I’ve re-arranged my bookshelves enough over the last year that the area where I was keeping the ‘recently read’ books has gotten mixed back into the general population a few times over the year.

Kind of scary to realize I read that many Star Trek books last year, I knew I had read a few that were suggested by people I was talking to on IRC while waiting for the Star Trek Online beta to begin but I hadn’t realized there had been THAT many…

One of these days, I’ll actually get around to posting up the reviews I wrote of many of these books.
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After a few days of play in LotRO I have to say I am still not sure what I think about it. Honestly, I still think DDO might be the superior game (go go Diablo style MMO!) but LotRO is fun for all of the interesting cameos and places to see.
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So I finally got around to trying D&D Online now that is had gone F2P. It actually isn’t half bad, if you like your MMOs to feel more like Diablo then WoW.
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I am just not very good at keeping my blog up to date. Keep meaning to be better about it, but just hard to find the time in my schedule for it and really actually motivate myself to bother.
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Get The Boredom Out

So the class I am taking twice a week now is… I can’t come up with the adjectives for it. The closest I can think of is that I can literally feel the seconds of my life passing me by as I sit there. The boredom is palpable and the instructors lack of preparedness is just shameful.
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I Was Bad Today…

I was bad today, I splurged and went and bought more books. Which wouldn’t normally be a bad thing (books are good and the world would be a happier place if more people read more) except that I have two shelves with fifty-two (yes, 52) books on it that are still waiting for me to get to reading them.
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Funeral and Fun

Spent a chunk of yesterday watching the funeral procession for Teddy Kennedy. Impressive to see how many people turned out for it, how many showed up just to stand on the side of the road and watch all the cars go by. Been interesting watching the programs about his life as well and how much he did and how little of it was used to promote his name or personal visibility. Truly the passing of one of the great elder statesman.
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For Want of Bookshelves

I need more bookshelves. All of my shelves are full, and I really do mean full. Books are lined up along the shelves, stacked on their side across the top of those books, and then in front of them on the bare bit of space left there is another stack of books.
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Man, it is Thursday already. The week just shot by. Almost September as well, this year has just been shooting by.
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Weekend of Gaming and Compost

So my weekend can be summed up as ‘Champions Online’ and ‘compost’.
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