So my weekend can be summed up as ‘Champions Online’ and ‘compost’.
Got ten yards of compost delivered back on Thursday. Dumped onto the end of my driveway. Slowly been moving it around to my backyard to build up the flowerbeds a little since the soil is otherwise complete crap. Too much clay, too many rocks, hoping to add some compost now and rototill it later and hope to build up some better soil that way so stuff will grow better.
Okay, not communicating too well. Too sleepy. Stayed up late the last few nights to play the CO Open Beta.
Yesterday I got my Force character through the Desert entirely and that took it to 14 and moved them on to Millennium City to start quests there. Today I logged in and thought I’d get my Munitions character though the Canada missions and have two people for M.City.
Uh… Didn’t quite work out. They lowered exp rates in the overnight patch and what should have taken me from 9-14 instead got me barely into level 12. So my Munitions character ended up doing the Canada and the Desert missions and that got it to 14 and on to the big city.
Millennium City, by the way, is both gorgeous looking and huge. So big, no zoning between sections, it actually feels like it could be a real full-size city. But with the exp nerf I haven’t had much luck doing anything there. I quickly ran through all the level 14 missions, and the level 15 missions and now I am looking at the level 16s and not sure I can survive them as I am only halfway through level 14 exp’wise.
Hoping they come up with a better adjustment for character advancement rate and exp hand-outs before the game goes live. I really don’t want to have to spend too much time grinding just to be able to survive missions.
Other than that, I watched the most recent two episodes of Eureka that I had sitting on my DVR. Fun show, pretty good season so far. The show has never been one that I really felt rushed too see, but has always been one I enjoyed watching. At least they have a better sponsor and product placement this season. The car they have been pimping in some shots is far less annoying that the Degree deodorant from last season (I think it was Degree, I forget now which brand it was). Still, I have to wonder how the Sheriff’s love life will go this season. The last time they tried to have him date someone else it was the dry cleaning lady in season 2 I think and she just disappeared between seasons without any mention in season 3. Tess though is a more interesting character so it’ll be interesting to see how things happen from here on out.
ANyays, need sleep now. Badly. End of beta event is tomorrow in CO. Of course, I have to be across town doing some work tomorrow. Just need to get work done quickly so I can get back home and have time to enjoy fighting giant robots.